About the series
There is widespread evidence demonstrating the relationship between the health and wellbeing of an individual and the environments in which they are born, grow, live, work and age. Factors such as employment, housing, education and social support can work to strengthen or destabilise the health of people and their communities. These factors are referred to as the social determinants of health (SDoH).
In partnership with Health Justice Australia and Social Futures, the Social Determinants of Health Webcast Series aims to create a shared language around SDoH. Each webcast was filmed from a state-of-the-art studio in Sydney and features five expert panellists. Slides support the interactive discussions.
The series outlined the theory behind SDoH (Webcast 1) and then contextualised them in the detail of factors such as
- early life (Webcast 2)
- housing, communities and neighbourhoods (Webcast 3)
- socioeconomic position (Webcast 4)
- health justice (Webcast 5)
Watch the video recordings below. Resources to support the SDoH Webcast Series can be found at the bottom of this page.
Webcast 1:
A Framework for Social Determinants of Health
It’s been more than 10 years since the WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health delivered its final report on how to reduce inequities in power, money and resources and people’s daily living conditions in order to improve health equity. So what’s changed since then?
A Framework for Social Determinants of Health explores the theory of social determinants of health (SDoH) and the evidence that supports key action areas. Facilitated by Tessa Boyd-Caine, CEO of Health Justice Australia, a panel of experts provide the baseline for building shared language around individual lifestyle factors, social and community networks, and general socioeconomic, cultural and environmental conditions in 2019.
Panellists are:
Lyn Morgain, CEO of cohealth and interim Chair of the Social Determinants of Health Alliance
Webcast 2:
Early life
Filmed Monday 1 July 2019
Addressing early childhood development means creating the conditions for children – from gestation to 8 years of age – to thrive in their physical, socio-emotional, and language/cognitive development. During these critical years, the foundation is laid for a child’s physical and mental health, affecting everything from longevity and lifelong capacity to learn, to the ability to adapt to change and build capacity for resilience against adverse circumstances.
Early life therefore must be stable, responsive, nurturing, safe and supportive.
Early Life explores what’s considered to be the most important developmental phase throughout the lifespan. Facilitated by Tessa Boyd Caine, CEO of Health Justice Australia, a panel of experts discussed successful models and challenges to implementing early child development programs and how you can work in concert with families to provide equitable access to strong nurturant environments.
Panellists are:
Carolyn Curtis, CEO of The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI)
Carmen Stewart, Project Designer and Activator, It Takes a Town
Early Life is proudly sponsored by
Webcast 3:
Housing, Communities & Neighbourhoods
Filmed 23 September 2019
We all need a home. None of us can go about our lives, raise a family, go to work or stay healthy, without a stable, safe and affordable place to call home. We also need healthy communities by design – access to recreation and open space, healthy foods, medical services, public transit and safe transportation.
Housing, Communities & Neighbourhoods will explore the links between determinants of a healthy living environment and health and wellbeing. Facilitated by Tessa Boyd Caine, CEO of Health Justice Australia, a panel discussed social and economic responsible public policy for people experiencing poverty and disadvantage.
Panellists are:
Norma Shankie Williams, Strategic Planning Lead, Willoughby City Council
John McKenna, Chair, Community Housing Industry Association NSW
Webcast 4:
Socioeconomic position
Filmed Monday 21 October 2019
Differences in socioeconomic status, as assessed by educational attainment, income and occupational status, are associated with large disparities in health. Linked to a variety of health-related behaviours, socioeconomic status impacts prevalence of obesity, smoking, physical inactivity, high blood pressure, alcohol consumption and more.
Socioeconomic Position explores the ongoing area-based measures for monitoring health gaps between socioeconomic groups. Facilitated by Tessa Boyd Caine, CEO of Health Justice Australia, a panel of experts discuss the Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) and how to advance equity and inclusion in our learning communities.
Panellists are:
Rosemary Calder, Director, Australian Health Policy Collaboration
Tony Davies, President, NSW Council of Social Service and CEO, Social Futures
Pastor Jon Owen, CEO and Pastor Wayside Chapel
Socioeconomic Position is proudly sponsored by
Webcast 5:
Health Justice Partnerships
Filmed Monday 18 November
A quiet revolution is taking place across Australia and it’s transforming the way some of the most vulnerable in our community access legal services. In a practitioner-led movement, community lawyers have been moving out of their offices and into the most unlikely of places – hospitals and community health settings – to collaborate with health services and their patients to address unmet, health-harming legal need. Known as health justice partnerships (HJPs), these collaborations work by embedding legal help into healthcare services and teams.
Health Justice Partnerships explores the growing body of evidence that shows there are groups of people who are vulnerable to intersecting legal and health problems, but who are unlikely to turn to legal services for solutions. Facilitated by Jason Rostant, a panel examines what takes a HJP partnership beyond ‘status quo’ services in terms of purpose, structure, activity and resourcing.
Panellists are:
Tessa Boyd Caine, CEO, Health Justice Australia
Jane Cipants, Director Client Service, Legal Aid
Sandra Gates, Director Allied Health and Clinical Support, The Royal Woman’s Hospital