The Centre for Healthcare Knowledge & Innovation (The Centre) was established in June 2016 by the North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) in collaboration with partner organisations. It maintains its own Governing Board, which includes individuals from the following background/organisations:
- Local Health Districts
- Aboriginal Medical Services
- Social Services (Community Service Organisations)
- Primary Health Care
- Tertiary Education Sector
- Research Centres
- Primary Health Networks
The Centre’s aim is to be a source of inspiration and a driver of healthcare improvement across the North Coast.
It partners with the International Foundation for Integrated Care, Southern Cross University, and the University Centre for Rural Health, Lismore. Serving as ‘critical friends’, the Centre’s knowledge partners compare our work with the best national and international evidence to give us improvement ideas that will take our health system a step further.
If you would like to be a knowledge partner of the Centre, [contact-lightbox formid=29 title=”false” label=”click here”].
Knowledge Partners:
International Foundation for Integrated Care
The International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) is a not-for-profit educational membership-based network that crosses organisational and professional boundaries to bring people together to advance the science, knowledge and adoption of integrated care policy and practice.
The Foundation seeks to achieve this through the development and exchange of ideas among academics, researchers, managers, clinicians, policy makers and users and carers of services throughout the World.
The Foundation’s ultimate goal is to provide a unique forum to bring these various perspectives together with the ultimately aim of improving the experience of care for patients, their families and communities, while improving the overall effectiveness of health and care systems.
- publishes the latest integrated care related research, case studies and evidence in its peer-reviewed, open-access Journal
- brings people together to present and hear from the latest research, evidence, innovations and practice at international conferences (including Transformers)
- develops people and organisations by providing education and training through its Integrated Care Academy © and the International Summer School on Integrated Care
- undertakes primary research and evaluation support to integrated care research-based projects
- supports a network of global members so that they might collaborate, share knowledge and ideas and discuss the latest ideas around integrated care
Southern Cross University
Bold, progressive and just 23 years of age – Southern Cross University is one of the Asia-Pacific’s Top 100 Universities and one of the world’s Top 50 Generation Y Universities.
Its contemporary campuses, with purpose-built state-of-the-art facilities, are located at the Gold Coast in Queensland, and in Lismore and Coffs Harbour in New South Wales. All are unique regions renowned for their natural beauty and ecological diversity, providing living laboratories for learning and creative hubs for artistic endeavour. Branch campuses can also be found in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
The University has a strong focus on industry and community collaboration to produce engaged teaching and research outcomes. The University conducts research in areas readily scalable from a regional model to have impact at both the national and international level. It is known for having world leading expertise and infrastructure with researchers contributing to solving real world problems around climate change, natural resource management, food security, health and wellbeing and social welfare.
Visit the Southern Cross University website
University Centre for Rural Health
The University Centre for Rural Health (UCRH) conducts a vibrant research program focusing on the health care needs of rural populations around Australia while building research leadership and research capacity within the Northern Rivers region. It seeks to engage with policy makers, managers and clinicians in order to enhance the relevance of research and the application of the findings in community settings. The work of UCRH researchers has gained a national and international reputation, with funding support received on a regular basis from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australian Research Council (ARC) and a range of other Government agencies and support bodies.
UCRH provides a multidisciplinary centre of excellence in education of students for clinical practice in rural health. The aim of the University is to provide the best possible educational experience in rural health for medical, nursing and allied health students, and to facilitate continuing professional development for rural health practitioners. UCRH has a strong interest in health services and systems research and development, and is uniquely and ideally placed to support interdisciplinary education, and to integrate research into education programs.
Underpinning UCRH research projects is the knowledge that, in general, the health status of the nation’s Aboriginal peoples and rural communities is below that of their urban and/or non-Aboriginal counterparts.
Visit the University Centre for Rural Health website
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