This publication provides an overview of the scope and organisation of health and elderly care in Denmark.
Chapter 1 briefly describes the tasks and responsibilities at the different levels of government: the Ministry of Health, the regions, and the municipalities. It also explains in general terms how the healthcare system in Denmark is financed.
Chapter 2 deals with patients’ rights regarding treatment, diagnosis, and free choice of hospital, including rules on treatment abroad. It explains the system of patient advisers, complaint procedures, and compensation and gives a brief overview of the tasks of the Danish Patient Safety Authority related to adverse events and patient safety.
Chapter 3 describes the key position of General Practitioners in the Danish healthcare system. It describes their work and responsibilities and also explains how rehabilitation contributes to public health overall. Vaccinations are mentioned here too.
Chapter 4 covers the hospital system, including planning and distribution of both general and specialised hospital services and emergency units. This chapter also describes the ongoing expansion of the Danish hospital infrastructure and implementation of innovative technology.
Chapter 5 describes how elderly care is organised, including home care services, reablement programmes for elderly people, nursing homes and preventive measures.
Chapter 6 describes the new direction taken within psychiatric care with a view to reducing the use of coercive measures in psychiatric treatment and ensuring equal access and equal status for people with mental illness.
Chapter 7 deals with health promotion and explains how measures within this important field are organised and implemented. It outlines specific initiatives in relation to a number of lifestyle factors, such as alcohol smoking and tobacco, drugs, nutrition, obesity and physical activity. Mental health is covered here too.
Chapter 8 elaborates on some of the digitisation goals already achieved as well as future aims. This includes the use of electronic communication systems within the entire healthcare sector as well as outpatient treatment through telemonitoring of certain diseases. This chapter also includes information on initiatives to promote systematic use of health data to support a more efficient and outcome-oriented healthcare system.
Chapter 9 describes the rules and regulations that govern medicines and pharmacies, including pharmacovigilance, procurement and pricing of pharmaceutical products as well as reimbursement available to patients. This chapter also briefly touches upon health research, including ethical issues.
The last chapter provides a more detailed description of how health and elderly care is financed at regional and local level. It gives a brief account of the annual financial agreements and a special funding system which provides financing for many social and healthcare-related projects.
Aged Care,Chronic Disease,Collective Impact,Innovation,Leadership
Outside North Coast
digital health,healthcare reform,Innovation