Your Training and Wellbeing Matters Survey
The 2020 Your Training and Wellbeing JMO, Supervisor and JMO Management surveys will run 31 March to 17 April 2020.
The NSW JMO ‘Your Training and Wellbeing Matters’ survey will give all junior doctors working and/or training, their supervisors and support staff the opportunity to provide confidential feedback about working and training in NSW Health. This online survey will ask about your experiences in the term/rotation/position you were doing as at 31 March 2020.
This is the third Your Training and Wellbeing Matters survey to be run. Previous surveys were undertaken in 2017 and 2018.
There are three separate surveys:
Doctors Working and/or training
This survey is aimed at interns, residents, registrars, doctors in accredited training positions or unaccredited positions and Career Medical Officers.
Supervisors of doctors training
A supervisor is a Senior Medical Officer (Staff Specialist/ Visiting Medical Officer/ Clinical Academic/ Honorary Medical Officer) who has responsibility for doctors training in their team.
The Supervisor will discuss their progress in the term/ rotation/ position, provide feedback on performance and complete assessments.
Supervisors positions include Team Supervisors, Clinical Supervisors, Site Directors of Training, Network Directors of Training, and Directors of Prevocational Education and Training (DPET)
Junior Medical Officer (JMO) Management and Support Staff
JMO management and education support staff are staff who spend more than 50 per cent of their time in activities involved in the management and/or education of JMOs. They may include JMO managers and other staff within the JMO unit, education support officers, and staff who manage JMO rosters.
When is the survey?
The survey will run between 9am Tuesday 31 March to 5pm Friday 17 April 2020.
How will I complete the survey?
You can complete the survey online. An email invitation with a link to the survey will be sent to you on 31 March 2020. If you do not receive the email, contact
You can complete the survey on your computer, smartphone or tablet.
How long will it take to fill out the survey?
It should take 10-15 minutes.
Is it compulsory?
No, this survey is not compulsory. However we would appreciate your feedback in order to address and improve working and training in the NSW health system.
Do I have to answer all the questions?
No, you don’t have to answer all the questions. The first question is the only mandatory question. It is required so responses are allocated to the right part of the organisation.
Who is hosting the survey?
Engine a survey company is the host. Engine has a great deal of experience in helping organisations to understand the opinions of their employees, and helping them in taking action on the results.
Can my answers be traced back to me?
No! The survey responses are hosted by Engine on their server. No one at NSW Health has access to the responses.
Will my answers remain confidential?
Engine works to a strict industry code of conduct that protects the individual confidentiality of all survey participants. Your responses will remain confidential unless disclosure of the information is required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order.
Can the survey be saved and finished later?
Yes, it can. At the beginning of the survey, create a password. This allows you to complete a portion of the survey and return to it later – but remember, the password you choose is not stored anywhere and cannot be retrieved if forgotten.
How will the survey results be reported?
Engine will provide NSW Health with de-identified reports and analysis. There are strict limits on the size of workgroups and demographic groups that can be reported. No reports will be produced with individual responses. Only aggregated data will be used.
How is my privacy protected?
The survey is anonymous. No unique identifying information is collected about any individual who completes the survey.
How will the results of the survey be stored?
Engine is a member of the Association of Market and Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) and adheres to the is a member of the Association of Market and Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) and adheres to the Privacy code (2014). Engine’s data management systems and security policy are ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System) certified.
I have a technical query- is there someone I can contact?
For technical queries, Engine helpdesk is available on or They will do their best to respond to your query within 4 hours during their business hours 9am-5pm, and resolve the issue in 10hours. You will get an acknowledgement if the issue is complex and requires more time.
I still have a question-who can I contact?
Please email MOH-MedicalWorkforce@health.nsw, if you have any questions or concerns.
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