New Online Wellbeing Hub for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
A new online wellbeing hub developed by eMHPrac in collaboration with the Australian Indigenous HealthInfonet is providing social, emotional and cultural wellbeing online resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. WellMob includes websites, apps, podcasts, videos, helplines, social media and online programs focusing on social and emotional wellbeing.
WellMob is for all frontline health and wellbeing workers, including:
- community health and wellbeing workers
- mental health workers
- family support
- education and youth services.
Workers can feel confident to share any online wellbeing resources they find with their clients and customers. There are also training resources to support your work in the community, and resources to help you look after yourselves.
Resources are categorised by:
There is no shame in yarning about mental health. If you have a lot of worries, feel sad, stressed, or have jumbled thoughts – it can help to have a yarn with family, someone you trust or an Aboriginal Health Worker at the local clinic. Find resources here on ways to support mental health.
When we look after our body we are also looking after our mental health. Eating well, staying fit, getting enough sleep and staying away from alcohol and other drugs are all ways for us to stay strong. Find resources here on looking after our body.
Our Mob
Keeping relationships solid helps you to stay connected. Find resources here on healthy relationships, getting help with parenting, supporting the elderly and young people, as well as specific resources for men and women.
Connecting with culture is about connecting with who you are and where you belong. Culture builds a strong identity. Find resources here on: spirituality, art, music and dance, languages, bush tucker and bush medicine.
Keeping safe
Feeling safe allows us to grow and thrive. We all have the right to feel safe in our homes, in the community and online. Find resources here on bullying, family violence and discrimination.
Actions such as the forced removal of children from families, dispossession of land and historical violence have caused trauma across generations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Sharing stories and talking about a way forward can be a pathway for healing. Find resources here on the Stolen Generations and other resources for healing.
Visit the WellMob eHealth hub here.
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