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Denmark’s Healthcare System At a...
A quick guide to Denmark's healthcare system, emphasising its structure, financing mechanisms, patient rights, digital health integration, chronic disease management and more.
Inside Denmark’s Healthcare: Con...
Explore Denmark's healthcare innovations and their impact on/comparisons with Australia in this insightful interview with Hans Erik Henriksen, CEO of Epital Health.
Media Release: Centre for Healthcare K...
Healthy North Coast proudly announces the Centre for Healthcare Knowledge & Innovation (CHKI) relaunch, resuming its transformative agenda after a hiatus due to the challenges of COVID-19 and t...
Describing Healthcare Teams in a Moder...
Here we look at consistent distinctions used to understand terms like interprofessional, multiprofessional, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary.
Australians Told “Don’t Wa...
It's no surprise that many Australians are putting health checks on hold. Now, 35+ organisations are telling Australian's "Don't Wait Mate".
Encourage Young Australians to Have Th...
Encourage Young Australians to provide their views on what is important to them. These views will be used to inform the development of the National Youth Policy Framework.
The Digital Moment Has Arrived for Hea...
A recent report shows technology talent is increasingly drawn to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. Unfortunately, a barrier to entry remains.
Is Machine Learning Too Risky for Chil...
Machine learning models trialled over 18 months in four local authority areas have failed to identify, on average, four out of every five children at risk.

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